This article provides information about how the women’s status is affected by the state policy of population control: Islam does not prohibit family planning. Several ‘Ulemas’ of different countries in fact have already issued ‘fatwas’ saying that all temporary forms of family planning for medical and economic reasons are permitted. In Islamic countries like Turkey […]

How Women’s Status is affected by the State Policy of Population Control?
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States Role towards Women Empowerment in India
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This article provides information about the state’s role towards women empowerment: The Constitution thus gives equal status to women as citizens, while also taking into consideration some special disabilities which the State may come forward to rectify through affirmative action. Para IV of the Constitution of India, dealing with the “Directive Principles of State Policy” […]

Role of Social Welfare Services to Raise the Social Status of Women in Society
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This article provides information about the role of social welfare services to raise the social status of women in society: The Central Social Welfare Board (CSWB), set up in 1953, was confronted with the arduous problem of the lack of any governmental machinery and for welfare related activities it undertook the task of promoting welfare […]