This article provides information about the interaction between social development, globalisation and trade agencies: The modern world witnessed a series of interrelated socio-political processes and events in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The most important of these have been ever increased global interconnected, introduction of structural adjustment programmes, the phenomenal expansion of information and […]

Interaction between Social Development, Globalisation and Trade Agencies
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Notes: Historical Background of WTO
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This article provides information about the historical background of WTO: The World Trade Organisation (WTO) has taken concrete shape in 1995 after successful operation of the General Agreements in Tariffs and Trade (GAIT) for around five decades. GATT again, had emerged out of some other experimentation on trade negotiations. Indeed GATT owes its origin to […]

GATTS: Major Aspects of GATTS – Explained!
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The major aspects of GATTS (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) include the following areas mentioned as follows: Agriculture: Agriculture as an item in GATT has been widely discussed and debated. (more…)