This article provides information about the relevance of dependency theories: Increasing globalisation, which appears an inevitable social condition and process, has pointed out to the interconnected nature of the world today. Never has there been so much flow of capital, finances, goods, people, ideas and so on. Some of these interconnections had been pointed out […]

Dependency Theory: Relevance of Dependency Theories
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Dependency Theory and Social Development | Social Science Theories
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This article provides information about the dependency perspectives on development: The debates among the liberal reformers Prebisch, the Marxists – Andre Gunder Frank, and the world-systems theorists – Wallerstein was vigorous and intellectually quite challenging. There are still points of serious disagreement among the various strains of dependency theorists and it is a mistake to […]

Critics of Dependency Theory | Social Science Theories
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Dependency theories have provided an alternative approach to looking at unilinear growth models. They have critically evaluated the continued unequal relationships between countries, which have their history partly in colonialism and imperialism. (more…)