This article provides information about the endogenous development approach: The idea of endogenous development has emerged from the approach of the alternative development. It is more specific to ones’ own culture in respect of its own development. The term, as it suggests, indicates the development from within the culture. It takes impetus from its own […]

Idea of Endogenous Development Approach – Explained!
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Contemporary Social Theory in the Light of Environment Concern
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This article provides information about the contemporary social theory in the light of environment concern: The more recent concern of the causes and consequences of the present ecological crises are significant to modern social theory. The relation between human beings and nature and the deleterious effect of human action upon the latter, a hitherto neglected […]

Development: Criticism of Growth Oriented Theories of Development
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This article provides information about the criticism of growth oriented theories of development: In some of these theories, especially Rostow’s, the assumption that underdeveloped countries have no history of development, since they are still at the first stage of being a “traditional society”, is a historical proposition. (more…)