This article provides information about the contribution of ICT (Information and communications technology) in creating new employment opportunities in India: ICTs can contribute to employment and income generation and poverty reduction. It enables people and enterprises to capture economic opportunities by increasing process efficiency, promoting participation in expanded economic networks, and creating opportunities for employment. […]

ICT: Contribution of ICT in Creating New Employment Opportunities in India

How ICT Helps Enhancing Operational Efficiency and Capability in Service Sector?
This article provides information about the reasons for growth in service sector: In a case study conducted by Australian Government’s Department of Communication, Information Technology and Arts found that it is advantageous to adopt information and communication technologies by Non-profit organisations and communities in enhancing operational efficiency and capability, delivering services and support; and building […]

ICT: Convergence of Information and Communication Technology
This article provides information about the convergence of information and communication technology: Convergence in communication technologies means that different kinds of communication technologies are coming closer to each other. During the past few decades of rapid technological advancements the boarders between telecommunications, the Internet and mass media are receding. The convergence of communication technologies means […]