This article provides information 12 Main Features of Knowledge Society ! The idea and concept of knowledge society were very popular towards the end of twentieth century. This concept has been widely contested too and has been questioned by various scholars from diverse corners. Social scientists have criticised it content, form and direction. (more…)

12 Main Features of Knowledge Society

New Job Opportunity and Challenges faced by Women in Knowledge Society
This article provides information about New Job Opportunity and Challenges faced by Women in Knowledge Society ! The emerging knowledge societies, which are based on global competition, progress in information technologies and a move towards knowledge-based economy, pose several opportunities and challenges to women. The New Job Opportunities for Women: The new ICTs enabled the […]

Information Technology and Social Transformation – Essay
This essay provides information about Information Technology and Social Transformation – Essay ! Although the technological inventions such as telephone by Bell in 1876, radio by Marconi in 1898, vacuum tube by De Forest in 1906 were landmark inventions in technological development, major technological brake through leading to a technological revolution in the human history […]