This article provides information about the difference between techno-utopians and techno-structuralism: Techno-utopians are optimists who believe the Web leads to greater access to education and there by greater dispersal of knowledge. This facilitates the universal accessibility of knowledge and this may lead to empowerment of larger section of the population because in knowledge-based society the […]

Difference between Techno-Utopians and Techno-Structuralism
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Dimensions of Digital Divide that Exist in Our Country
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This article provides information about the Dimensions of Digital Divide that Exist in Our Country ! The ‘digital divide’ threatens to widen the already existing development gap between the rich and the poor among and within countries. The majority of the world’s people will not be able to benefit from this revolution unless they are […]

Importance of ICT in Knowledge Society Disparities between and within Countries
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This article provides information about the Increasing Importance of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in Knowledge Society Disparities between and within Countries: In the so-called knowledge societies more than 850 million people in the developing countries are excluded from the wide range of information and knowledge. The poor in the developing countries remain much isolated […]