In this article we will discuss about the cause and effects of technology on social change. How Technology Causes Social Change: Ogburn has made an extensive study of the patterns of change in material culture. He refers to two basic patterns. First, mechanical inventions tend to accumulate, and, as a result, the material culture becomes […]
Causes and Effects of Technology on Social Changes
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Challenges faced by our Educational system after the Rapid Evolution of ICT
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Some of the Challenges faced by our Educational system after the Rapid Evolution of ICT are as follows: The appearance and the rapid evolution of ICT have created at least two major challenges for education: to achieve the appropriate integration of ICT into overall education systems and institutions, and to ensure that the new technologies […]

Digital Divide in Knowledge Society | Explained
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This article provides information about the digital divide in knowledge society: The free flow of information and ideas has sparked an explosive growth of knowledge and its myriad new applications in the information age. It has been noticed that information, its access, dissemination and control, is at the core of this revolutionary phase of human […]