After reading this article you will learn about the relevance of history for social research. A group of thinkers, during the relatively brief period in which social science has been recognized as a disciplined form of intellectual endeavour, has tried to effect a rigid differentiation between what are conventionally known as social sciences, like sociology […]
Relevance of History for Social Research | Data Collection | Sociology
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Observation: A Technique of Conducting Research | Sociology
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After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Types of Observation 2. Merits and Limitations of Observation 3. Difficulties. Types of Observation: Observation may take place in the natural or real life setting or in a laboratory. Observational procedures tend to vary from complete flexibility to the use of pre-coded detailed formal instrument. The […]
Interviews Used for Conducting Research | Techniques | Social Research
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After reading this article you will learn about the structures and unstructured interviews used for conducting social research. The Structured Interviews: Such interviews involve the use of a set of pre-determined questions and highly standardized techniques of recording. The reasons for standardization is to ensure that all respondents reply to the same questions; that is, […]