After reading this article you will learn about the relevance of history for social research. A group of thinkers, during the relatively brief period in which social science has been recognized as a disciplined form of intellectual endeavour, has tried to effect a rigid differentiation between what are conventionally known as social sciences, like sociology […]
Relevance of History for Social Research | Data Collection | Sociology
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Term Paper on Data Collection | Techniques | Social Research | Sociology
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After reading this term paper you will learn about:- 1. The Stimulus to Datum Sequence 2. Responses of Data Collection 3. Setting 4. Sources. Term Paper # 1. The Stimulus to Datum Sequence: A datum is what is observed, is manifest or phenotypical. Data in social sciences, as in other sciences, are based on our […]
Documentary Sources of Data | Data Collection | Social Research
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After reading this article you will learn about the personal and official documents as sources of data. Personal Documents: In its narrow sense, the personal document is a spontaneous first person description by an individual of his own actions, experiences and beliefs. The wide range of personal documentary material comprises autobiographies, diaries and letters and […]