After reading this article you will learn about the aspects relating to the study of a research report. The obvious criteria for good reporting are accuracy and clarity. Making the research report interesting and writing with flair and ‘style’ is a subsidiary virtue. Accuracy and clarity must be the principle goals. It greatly helps to […]
Study of a Research Report | Social Research | Sociology
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Contents of the Research Report | Social Research | Sociology
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After reading this article you will learn about the contents of a research report. It includes:- 1. Introduction 2. Method 3. Results of the Study 4. Discussion 5. Summary or Abstract 6. References 7. Appendix. 1. Introduction: The research report should ordinarily start with a statement of the problem selected for investigation. The reporter should […]
Essay on Sociometry (For Students) | Social Research | Sociology
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Sociometry is concerned with charting out the attractions and repulsions among the members of a group, among groups (miniature social systems) or subgroups or between the subgroup and individuals. Sociometry involves a set of operations that depart fundamentally from the method employed by Emory Boradgus for the measurement of social distance. Helen Jennings, one of […]