This article provides a short note on null hypotheses. The alternative hypotheses and the null hypotheses together constitute the framework for the statistical testing of hypotheses. Fuller significance of null hypothesis can be grasped by the students at later stage. Suffice it here to say that the null hypothesis in its simplest form asserts that […]
Short Notes on Null Hypothesis | Social Research | Sociology
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Term Paper on Probability Sampling | Techniques | Social Research
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Read this term paper to learn about the important types of probability sampling used for conducting social research. Term Paper # 1. Simple Random Sampling: Simple random sampling is in a sense, the basic theme of all scientific sampling. It is the primary probability sampling design. Indeed, all other methods of scientific sampling are variations […]
Combinations of Probability and Non-Probability Sampling | Social Research
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After reading this article you will learn about the combinations of probability and non-probability sampling. If sampling is carried out in a series of stages, it is possible to combine probability and non-probability principles in one sampling design. One or more stages of sampling can be carried out according to the probability principle and the […]