R.L. Ackoff has attempted to answer this question in a systematic way. All research problems ultimately reduce to the question, which of a set of alternative means is the most efficient one. Once those alternative means are formulated, the researcher is in a position to pose a question of each of the means, as to […]
Formulating Hypotheses for Research | Sociology
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4 Important Qualities of a Researcher | Social Research | Sociology
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This article throws light upon the four important qualities of a researcher. 1. A researcher must be one that vibrates in unison with that of which he is in search, the seeker after truth must himself be truthful, truthful with truthfulness of nature; which is far more imperious, far more exacting than that which men […]
Sample Size: Problem and Mathematics | Sampling | Social Research
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After reading this article you will learn about the problem and mathematics of sample size. The Problem of Sample Size: We shall now consider one of the trickiest problems relating to sampling, viz., the problem of sample size. “What should be the adequate size of the sample in relation to the size of population?” “How […]