In this article we will discuss about the views of various writers on the origin and evolution of family. Lewis H. Morgan’s work “Ancient Society” was published in 1877. Marx read this work and made extensive notes on it. But it was Engels who published in 1884 an extensive commentary on it after Marx’s death […]
Views of Various Writers on the Origin of Family
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Family Types: 3 Main Types of Family | Sociology
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The following points highlight the three main types of families. The types are: 1. The Agrarian Family 2. Modern Family 3. Traditional Indian Family. Type # 1. The Agrarian Family: A major theme in sociological studies of the family is the relationship between the structure of the family and the process of industrialisation. Under the […]
Family: Definition, Function, Influence and Future
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In this article we will discuss about Family:- 1. Definition of Family 2. Functions of the Family 3. Influences Affecting 4. The Future. Definition of Family: A human child needs care and protection for its survival for a longer period than is necessary for the survival of other animal babies. The relationship that develops around […]