This article provides information about the social dimension of globalisation: It is strongly refuted that the current pace of globalisation reflects on the economic front only. The ramifications of globalisation process reflect directly in the social and cultural arena of human life as well. Consequently understanding social and cultural dimensions of the phenomenon of globalisation […]

Globalisation: Social Dimensions of Globalisation – Explained!
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Critique of Modernisation Theories based on the Dependency Theory of Development
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This article provides information about the critique of modernisation theories based on the dependency theory of development: In analysing the assets of the modernisation theories, it should be understood that this school of thought emerged in the early years of the 1950s, and began to disappear in the 1970s when belief in it started to […]

Social Development: 5 Main Causes of Social Change
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This article provides information about the Various Causes of Social Change ! One of the central concerns of the sociology of development is change. In societies of all times there is change affecting every realm of life social, economic, cultural, technological, demographic, ecological and so on. (more…)