This essay provides information Social Movement ! Conventionally, social movements have broadly been perceived as organised efforts to bring about changes in the thought, beliefs, values, attitudes, relationships and major institutions in society, or to resist changes in any of the above structural elements of society. Social movements are viewed as intended and organised collective […]

Social Movement: Short Essay on Social Movement
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Civil Society: What do you mean by Civil Society? – Explained!
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This article provides information about the Civil Society: What do you mean by Civil Society? – Explained ! The term civil society is derived from the Latin word civil is societies which means associations or communities that work above and beyond the state. Civil society thus consists of a host of institutions that look after […]

Society: Critical Appreciation of Civil Society Movement
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This article provides information about the Critical Appreciation of Civil Society Movement: Though the NGOs begin with the philosophy of negation of governmental initiatives, they are guided by the economic and social policies of the government. In a system of structural dependency on the state, the NGOs without a committed manpower will provide only a […]