This article provides information about the Gandhi’s Idea about Khadi and Village Industry: Gandhi firmly believed that the essence of swadeshi consisted in producing enough cloth to wrap each Indian, which would be possible through spinning and weaving by the masses. The people needed to pledge themselves to the use of swadeshi cloth only. He […]

Mahatma Gandhi: Gandhi’s Idea about Khadi and Cottage Industry
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Mahatma Gandhi: Gandhian Concept of Education
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This article provides information about the Gandhian Concept of Education ! Gandhi firmly believed that basic education was an important means to develop the body and the mind. This stood out in sharp contrast to the common understanding of the concept and function of education as knowledge of letters, and of reading, writing and arithmetic […]

Gandhian Perspective on Development and It’s Contemporary Relevance
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This article provides information about the Gandhian perspective on development is it still relevant: Development and progress as goals are based upon an ideal world of buttons as solutions wherein increasingly impressive and complex tasks are accomplished by the push of a button or the switch of a lever. Gandhi argues, however, that the technologies […]