This article provides information about the emerging facets of digital divide in societies like India: The new millennium ushered a world of greater interconnectivity with greater flow of data and information and shrinking time and national boundaries. The force behind this rapid transformation is revolutionary changes in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The digital economy […]
Emerging Facets of Digital Divide in Societies like India
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Can Economic Reform Movement Eradicate Poverty in Our Society? (India)
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This article provides information about “What extent the economic reform movement is successful to facilitate the eradication of poverty in our society?”: Poverty in India is a predominantly rural phenomenon. More than three quarters of poor people in India live in rural areas. Also there is wide variation in poverty across different states. Moreover, progress […]

Historical Background of Economy of Canada
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This article provides information about the historical background of economy of Canada: The world’s second largest country, Canada, consists of an extremely wide variety of geographical features ranging from the magnificent Rocky Mountains, the warm blue Pacific Ocean on the West Coast, to beautiful lakes and the magnificent Niagara Falls in Central Canada. (more…)