This article provides information about the consequences of development on ecology and environment: The environmental consequences, the use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers and hybrid seeds have had a negative effect on the soil quality. In fact, commercial agriculture and the over utilisation of ground water has created conditions of drought all over India. The environmental […]

Consequences of Development on Ecology and Environment

Consequences of Development on Ecology and Environment
This article provides information about the consequences of development on ecology and environment: The tremendous impact of human ecology is well manifested in the life-support systems including air, water, land and energy. As the human population grows, there appear imbalance of food production and crisis of space leading to environmental pollution which unfavourably alters our […]

Relationship between Ecology, Environment and Sustainable Development
This article provides information about the relationship between ecology, environment and sustainable development: The term ‘sustainable development’ gained wide international currency in recent years with the growth of ecological understanding at local, national and international levels not only among the communities and movements but also, among Nation-States and Governments. (more…)