This article throws light upon the eight reasons advanced for rural sociology being a science. The reasons are: 1. Methodology 2. Objectivity 3. Generalisation 4. Verification 5. Predictability 6. Formulation of Hypothesis 7. Classification 8. Analysis of a Data.
Reason # 1. Methodology:
Science gives more emphasis on methods than the subject matter. Methods help science in acquiring knowledge about a particular subject.
Similarly rural sociology also gives emphasis on the methods for systematic investigation than the subject matter.
It uses methods like schedule, questionnaire, observation and key-study.
Reason # 2. Objectivity:
Scientific study is so that the whole problem should be studied objectively. The main criticism against rural sociology as a science is that, it lacks objectivity. Generalisation can be drawn on the basis of objectivity. In rural sociology, the scientists use objectivity at the time of collection of data. But subjectivity comes either directly or indirectly.
It is very essentially needed that subjectivity should be avoided and it may lead to wrong conclusion. So there should be a healthy negotiation between the subjective consciousness and the objective reality. The social scientists, in their research, should make a fine combination of his subjectivity, objective reality and the prevailing ideology.
Reason # 3. Generalisation:
In science, it is very necessary to use generalisation when anybody wants to experiment any findings that can be done without any difficulty. The conclusions drawn can be applicable without any consideration of place and time.
It also happens in case of rural sociology. But it is difficult to do it in rural sociology. Because the conditions of rural people all over are not the same, their economic, social and political conditions vary from village to village.
Reason # 4. Verification:
Any Information which cannot be verified and tested is not treated as a science. It is the most important aspect of social science; that anyone can verily the findings of a scientist. Rural sociologists demand that they have fulfilled this type of task.
Reason # 5. Predictability:
In science, the scientists can predict the future with the help of logical reasoning and scientific Inferences. By that they can establish causal relationship in between cause and effect. Rural sociologists also demand that they can find out causal relationship with the help of findings.
They can also predict the future on the basis of logical reasoning and inferences. In such case, the scientists accumulate knowledge through different stages. Rural sociologists also do the same thing.
Reason # 6. Formulation of Hypothesis:
A clear hypothesis should be formulated so that the basic assumptions in form of hypothesis are proposed to be tested. Rural sociologists formulate the hypothesis to make the study systematic. But it is very important that the hypothesis should be clear and only limited aspects should be covered in that study.
Reason # 7. Classification:
As the scientists classify data into different categories, the social scientists also do the same thing. They classify the data on the basis of different important areas, like social, economic, political, religious, cultural etc.
Reason # 8. Analysis of Data:
Analysis of data is very much essential in scientific study. In case of rural sociology, the various data which are collected from the rural areas to study rural sociology must be analyzed in a proper way.
Besides the reasons advanced for rural sociology being a science, taking into consideration two main factors, the nature of rural sociology has been described as below:
The first one is related with the characteristic feature of rural sociology as a distinct subject.
The second one is the scientific status given to rural sociology:
1. Rural sociology is an empirical discipline.
2. It is concerned with comparative study.
3. In rural sociology the rural studies are conducted with the prime Intention of solving rural social problems.
4. Rural sociology is non-ethical in nature. It is not influenced by any ideological orientation.
It is very difficult to study the nature of rural sociology. But on the whole the conclusions drawn by rural sociologists are based upon empirical realities. The sociologists are also in a status to give certain true predictions about the future prospects of rural sociology. Therefore, no doubt, it can definitely be a good branch of science having its own methodology and subject matter.