This article provides information about the Role Money and Internet in Development of Urbanisation !
Cities till today are physical organisations where people, activities, fields of life, resources and infrastructure are accumulated at high levels of concentration and interact in complex ways.
The growth of population and urban population density increases the intensity of these interactions, creating the critical mass needed for the emergence of markets and in the process generates sufficient demand to spur mechanisation of production. Money plays a parallel role at the social level as a medium for urbanisation and multiplies economic activities by several orders of magnitude.
The establishment of a money economy frees individuals from dependence on land as an essential resource for production and frees commerce from the double coincidence needed for barter trade. Money increases the frequency and speed of transactions in virtually every field of activity by making it possible for people to convert the fruits of their labour into a common currency that can be exchanged for any products or services.
Money also provides incentives for people to produce more than they can consume, releasing greater energy and creativity. It serves as a medium for conservation and storage of what each person produces and permits easy transfer over any distance, thereby overcoming limitations imposed by time and space and dramatically increases the efficiency of transactions.
The internet plays a similar role at the mental level of information and knowledge and acts as a medium to organise globalisation. Today, the internet is increasing the frequency, speed and efficiency of information exchange in every field – commercial, industrial, educational, scientific, political, religious, recreational, etc.
The Internet also overcomes the limits of time and space by enabling instantaneous access to information around the world. It increases enormously the number, intricacy and complexity of interactions made possible between individuals, organisations, facts, activities and fields of knowledge.
It is acting as an organised medium for bringing all existing social organisations into greater contact to release the maximum energy of society and thus lead to unprecedented levels of social productivity and development.