This article throws light upon the top five remedies to the problem of casteism.
Remedy # 1. Proper Knowledge about Caste:
Proper education should be given to each and every member of the caste regarding casteism.
Education seems to be the most ideal solution to the problem of casteism. People should be well aware about the dangerous effects of casteism.
Remedy # 2. Less use of the term Caste:
Precautions should be taken for the minimum use of the term caste. The word caste should be used only in limited context. The young generations, now-a-days, should give least importance to caste.
Remedy # 3. Inter-caste Marriages:
Encouragement to inter-caste marriages should develop within the young mass. It will help them to come closer and to develop healthy relations among them.
Remedy # 4. Removal of Socio-cultural Inequality:
Social and cultural inequalities between castes have been the main cause for creating socio-cultural inequality. If the differences will be removed and all castes are placed in the same socio-cultural footing, then nobody will think well of his own caste.
Remedy # 5. Promotion of Economic Equality:
Very wide economic gap is found between the upper caste and lower caste people. It widens the social distance and contributes to the development of casteism. Hence, all castes should be given equal economic opportunities to attain economic prosperity.
In spite of the above remedial measures suggested, it seems impractical to harbour any hope for the complete removal of casteism. A strong and tremendous revolution is needed to get rid of casteism. Many eminent social scientists and philosophers have given their suggestion for the abolition of casteism.
Among them are Dr. M.N. Srinivas, Dr. G.S. Ghuiye, Dr. V.K.R.V. Rao, Mrs. Iravati Karve and P.H. Pravu are well cited.
According to M.N. Srinivas, most of the shortcomings of caste system can be removed through adult franchise, different five year plans, provision of modern education, progress of backward classes etc.
According to G.S. Ghurye, the conflicts originating in casteism can be removed by encouraging inter-caste marriages, co-education etc.
Mrs. Iravati Karve suggested to create economic and cultural equality between the castes. P.H. Pravu says that a new attitude can be developed in the mind of each and every people. According to him cinema and other entertainment sources can do much towards the creation of these attitudes.
It is very much needed that the idea of caste discrimination should be removed from the minds of the future generation. Co-education will encourage inter-caste marriage. In this way, it is necessary to make efforts in every direction for improvement of this horizon.